This rural station at the foot of the Hogs Back ridge was built in 1890 and opened by the London and South Western Railway in 1891. It was known for a while as ‘Wanborough for Normandy’, the latter being a nearby larger village.

A brickworks was located just north of the station until 1937.

The village lies just 4 miles from Guildford and grew around and to service Wanborough Manor which is on the site of ancient springs.

Visit The Great Barn of Wanborough. This is one of the largest and most important medieval barns in south East England.  Built in 1388 by the Cistercian monks of Waverley Abbey.  The barn was used for storing and processing crops and fleeces. During the open days local guides conduct tours of the Great Barn of Wanborough and around the hamlet.

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Buses, taxis and local map

Regular buses going to and from the train station.

Station Ticket Office Hours

Monday to Friday 

Ticket machines 24hours

Train Station Information

Car Parking: 10 spaces
Cycle Parking: 6 spaces
Toilets: No
Refreshments: No
Taxis: No taxi rank

Useful Numbers

Customer Services: 0345 6000 650

Travel Assistance: 0800 52 82 100

For train times text Wanborough to 84950